Tuesday, 29 May 2018

EMCTL Missing | Setup Enterprise Manager Express in Oracle 12c Database

How to Setup Enterprise Manager Express in Oracle Database 12c when EMCTL is missing

Missing EMCTL from ORACLE_HOME/bin | Steps to configure Enterprise Manager Express in Oracle Database 12c

Enterprise Manager in Oracle Database 12c

Since this is post is regarding the configuration of Enterprise Manager in Oracle 12c database as I hope most of you have either already notice OR going to notice that EMCTL has been removed in Oracle 12c. This is because from Oracle 12c onwards, Enterprise Manager (cloud control) is installed and configured separately as it comes as a separate bundle. But still you have a version of the same available in your database software with limited features mainly for monitoring purposes.

So after I finished the database installation, I rebooted the machine, again Started the Database/Listener and went for checking the updated features in latest Enterprise Manager. I thought of running the commands to check the Enterprise Manager status using,

emctl status dbconsole
emctl start dbconsole (If the component is not up)

But what I found was something interesting. I was missing EMCTL from my ORACLE_HOME.

[oracle@practice /]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@practice db_1]$ cd bin
[oracle@practice bin]$ pwd
[oracle@practice bin]$ ls em*
emca  emdwgrd  emdwgrd.pl
[oracle@practice bin]$
[oracle@practice bin]$ cd ../
[oracle@practice db_1]$ find -name 'emctl'
[oracle@practice db_1]$ find -name 'emca'
[oracle@practice db_1]$

So after a little research I came to know that there's a way to activate the Express Edition of Enterprise Manager which is still available with Oracle Software bundle and gets installed with your Oracle Software. You just need to know how to configure it. Below mentioned are the steps you need to follow if you are seeking answers for the same,

Check for the HTTP and HTTPS ports using the DBMS_XDB_CONFIG package available in Oracle Database if they are configured or not. If the output shows you some number except 0 then it's already configured on that port.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> select dbms_xdb_config.gethttpport from dual;
SQL> select dbms_xdb_config.gethttpsport from dual;

If the output is 0, then provide the proper available ports for HTTP and HTTPS connection using setHTTPPort and setHTTPSPort procedures available in DBMS_XDB_CONFIG package.

SQL> exec dbms_xdb_config.setHTTPsPort (5500);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec dbms_xdb_config.setHTTPPort(5511);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Run the first 2 queries again and check for the required output.
SQL> select dbms_xdb_config.gethttpport from dual;
SQL> select dbms_xdb_config.gethttpsport from dual;

This shows that my Enterprise Manager Express has been configured for HTTP connections on port 5511 and for HTTPS connections on port 5500.

Open the browser and enter the URL like,

http://localhost:5511/em OR

Normally Oracle favors HTTPS connections so that should be working properly.

One more thing, In case if you are performing the same on LINUX system then you might need to install Flash Player to view the Enterprise Manager Express Login Screen. Download the required Adobe Flash Player RPM and install it as shown below:

[oracle@practice ~]$ su
[root@practice oracle]# ls
flash-player-npapi-  spoolrmanlistcmd.log
[root@practice oracle]# rpm -ivh flash-player-npapi- --nodeps
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:flash-plugin-  ################################# [100%]
[root@practice oracle]#

I hope this helps !!